Alaska Department of Administration, Divison of Motor Vehicles
Administration >  Division of Motor Vehicles >  Drivers 55 Plus > 
Interpretation of Score: The lower the score, the safer driver you are.
The higher the score, the more danger you are to yourself and others.
No matter what your score, look at the Suggestions for Improvement section of the AAA Booklet for each area that is highlighted. These are the areas in which you can improve the most.



0 to 15

GO! You are aware of what is important to safe driving and are practicing what you know. See the Suggestions for Improvement section of the AAA Booklet, to learn how to become an even safer driver.

16 to 34

CAUTION! You are engaging in some practices that need improvement to ensure safety. Look to the the Suggestions for Improvement section of the AAA Booklet to see how you might improve driving.

35 and over

STOP! You are engaging in too many unsafe driving practices. You are a potential or actual hazard to yourself and others. Examine the areas where you need improvement. Read the Suggestions for Improvement section of the AAA Booklet for ways to correct these problem areas.

These scores are based on what you and other drivers 55 and over have told us about driving practices and habits. Your score is based on your answers to a limited number of important questions. For a complete evaluation of your driving ability, many more questions would be required, along with medical, physical, and licensing examinations. Nevertheless, your answers and score give some indication of how well you are doing and how you can become a safer driver.


In general, a red texted question is an item that reflects an unsafe practice or situation that should be changed immediately.

An orange texted question means an unsafe practice, or on its way to becoming unsafe, if nothing is done to improve it.

Green is a sign that you are doing what you should be to remain a safe driver.


Most of the red and orange questions that were answered represent practices or situations that can be improved by most drivers. The AAA Booklet contains Suggestions for Improvement, divided into each of the 15 areas. You will want to focus on those for which your answers are red or orange. Back to my answers