Road Test Appointment Waiting List To sign up for the waitlist type in your First and Last Name and Cell Phone Number and select the DMV location you are interested in. When we get a cancellation we will text everyone on the list for the upcoming time and date. Some cancellations may be a same day opportunities. The first person to text back will be awarded the appointment time. We do have driving schools that are operated by our partners that offer many more options for times and locations. Click here for more info. Last Name: First Name: Cell Phone Number: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Invalid Phone Number DMV Location: Please Choose a Location DMV Benson DMV Fairbanks DMV Matsu DMV Juneau DMV Haines DMV Soldotna DMV Ketchikan DMV Homer DMV Delta Junction DMV Kodiak DMV Nome DMV Sitka DMV Valdez DMV Kotzebue DMV Bethel